Winter Knitting

I haven’t done a ton of knitting since Christmas due to laying the floor in the addition at the farm, but I’m hoping to start being more productive. I have a couple projects on the needles and I’m planning a couple more.

My first chore is to darn most of my socks. The unfinished floors at the farm have caused numerous holes. I keep all of my extra yarn and mini skeins in a big jar, so I have plenty of extras to fix them. I’d been putting it off because I didn’t have a darning egg, but I have that now too. No more putting it off, my sock drawer feels empty!

I’ve on and off been working on a pair of socks for myself since the beginning of the year. I dyed this yarn a couple years back and had been hoarding it away. I really love how they’re turning out. They started pooling strangely at one point, but I’m not too bothered by it.

I’m also working on a new pair of socks for M. The yarn is Knit Picks Hawthorne in the Buckman colorway. I just started those, but they’ll take awhile at 72 stitches per round.

I’m also knitting a pair of socks for someone else to give as a gift. There are very, very, very few people I would do this for, so if you’re reading this–you’d better believe I like you. 😉 This is the yarn she picked out of my stash:

I always set goals for the year, and this year one of my goals is to finish 12 pairs of socks. If I get these three done, that will be good process–and I can’t wait to get all my old socks back in rotation!

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